Enquiring into the Catholic Faith at Holy Trinity, Desborough
An Open Letter from a Holy Trinity Parishioner, 2013
To All Enquiring into the Catholic Faith
Dear Friend, these few words are intended for all coming to Holy Trinity community in Desborough, wanting to know more about the Catholic Faith.
Our first words are ‘You are welcome!’
Holy Trinity Church is part of the larger Parish centred at St.Edward’s, Kettering, with two other communities at Rothwell and Burton Latimer.
This is a Catholic church, with our bishop Peter in Northampton, and in communion with Pope Francis in Rome.
Our Catholic faith acknowledges the mysterious longing in our hearts for God, infinite in goodness, truth and love, and even more of God’s loving call to us to share His life.
We believe that God so loved the world that He sent His only Son, who offered His life in love for us, calling us into his kingdom.
We believe that Jesus founded the Church to share already in proclaiming God’s kingdom and, beginning in faith, hope and love, to show that kingdom even now.
We believe this Church to be found in its completeness in the Catholic Church and we see the infallibility of the Church and indeed of the Pope in that light. It is a reassurance that the word of Christ will be faithfully passed on through the ages. It does not mean that we are saints – we are ordinary fallible and weak human beings – from the Pope onwards – and can and do fail to live the faith in many ways. Recent terrible scandals over the sexual abuse of minors testify to this most clearly. We always have to make a fresh start to follow Christ more faithfully.
Nor does it mean that no mistakes are made: not every word of a Pope or bishop is infallible! The central faith is nevertheless, we believe, secure. We are pilgrims, a pilgrim People. We invite others, or rather Christ invites all of us, to join together on the Way!
We should add that we recognise a real though imperfect unity with all who bear the name of Christian, and also with people of other faiths, indeed with all people o good will. We try to work together where possible for the common goals of peace, justice and love in our society.
This is only a brief introduction. I hope you find it helpful. You are always welcome to enquire further.