Desborough Rearrangement December 12th, 2021
An Important Message from Fr. Gregory
Dear Parishioners
Message for the community at Desborough
As you may know, Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Desborough is currently undergoing some vital restoration works to ensure its future as part of St Edward’s Parish. At the moment, work is being carried out on repairing the roof of the church, with further works on its exterior and interior scheduled for early 2022.
Unfortunately, the recent poor weather has resulted in a delay to the completion of the roofing works and, more specifically, the scaffolding that is currently in place on both sides of the church will not be taken down before this weekend, as was originally planned. As this means that we would not be able to open the fire exits for the church, we have taken the reluctant decision to cancel this Sunday’s Mass at Holy Trinity (December 12th). We apologise for the disappointment that this causes but, under the circumstances, we have to put the safety of our congregation first.
The next Mass at Holy Trinity will be on Christmas Eve at 8 pm and we hope to see as many of our congregation there as possible.
Message for the community at Burton Latimer
Since we had over 50 people at the church in Burton Latimer last week, and as St. Edward’s Church gets more and more crowded as we approach Christmas, this week there will be an extra Mass at Burton Latimer at 9.00 am (instead of Desborough).
Burton Latimer – an extra Mass on the third Sunday of Advent, 12th December, at 9.00 am.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Fr Gregory