– Community – Sacramental Preparation

Community – Preparation and Instruction Groups

Baptismal Preparation Programme

Contact: Fr. Gregory 01536 512497 email: parish.stedwardkettering@northamptondiocese.org
Preparation Classes Rota List:  Ann Machell; Siobhaun Loom; Maureen Everington

Meeting: Parents (both catholic and non-catholic) are guided through the service, receiving an explanation of not only the practicalities but the religious significance of the parts of the Sacrament. Parents learn about being ‘the domestic church’ and the first teachers of their children in religious belief and practice, with a discussion on how this can be accomplished. The activities and groups in the parish and the wider community are discussed (this is particularly important for newcomers). The Union of Catholic Mothers send the children a baptismal card from the parish.


Contact: Key Catechist, Maureen Everington 01536 513516

Working with children and adults to help with growth in understanding of the Catholic faith.

Catholic Marriage Preparation Courses

Marriage education and formation for couples preparing to marry in the Catholic Church
Parish Group PageCatholic Marriage Preparation

An online Marriage Preparation Course


Contacts: Fr. Gregory 01536 512497 email: parish.stedwardkettering@northamptondiocese.org; Maureen Everington 01536 513516

Meeting: 6 times a term, Wednesday, 6 – 7pm in St. Edward’s Church Hall.

This group is for children in secondary school (years 7, 8 and sometimes 9). It begins with a post Confirmation celebration afternoon in July. The children in year 7 are invited to attend Sessions by letter and thereafter by telephone. The children experience a mix of exploring particular issues in their faith journey, such as living as a Christian in the playground as well as church, or, celebrating with weaker members e.g. singing carols with old age pensioners. They interact with members of the parish community, e.g. key workers (doctors, police, engineers); parishioners with disabilities (such as blind) who have led productive and fulfilling lives; parishioners who work with the deaf and hard of hearing, or the sick; fundraisers for Charity such as CAFOD or Chad; vocations, religious Sisters, Deacons and Seminarians. There are also regular outings that explore our Christian heritage to places like Thrapston (martyrdom); St. Peter and Paul’s Church (Bell ringing and ecumenical history) and Turvey (Monasteries).

Preparation for Confirmation

St. Edward’s Church
Contact: Fr. Gregory 01536 512497 email: parish.stedwardkettering@northamptondiocese.org

Meeting: 6.00-7.00pm each Friday from Easter to July. In the Upper Room of St. Edward’s Church Hall.

Preparation for Reconciliation and Holy Communion

St. Edward’s Church
Contacts: Fr. Gregory 01536 512497 email: parish.stedwardkettering@northamptondiocese.org;  Maureen Everington 01536 513516

Meeting: 9.00-10am each Saturday from the FIRST Saturday in the January school term until the last Saturday in June in the Upper room of St. Edward’s Church Hall.

These classes are for children who attend non-catholic schools but are from Catholic families and who wish to receive the Sacraments. The minimum age for attendance is 7+ (Year 3 in school).

St. Bernadette’s Church
Contact: Susan Macfarlane 01536 523754

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Contacts: Fr. Gregory 01536 512497; Rose Stokes 01536 460909.
Parish Group PageRCIA Group Page
An exploration of the Catholic faith, the process of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults has its roots in the very earliest days of the Church, when communities were anxious to pass on their new found faith in Jesus to others. This RCIA course is open to all who would like to know more about the Catholic faith, especially those who are considering becoming a Catholic (whether a baptised Christian or not). The course is also suitable for active or non-practising Catholics who wish to explore their faith in more depth.

The course is delivered in one evening session per week over several months. For those who feel ready this may lead up to being received into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil.

Topics explored in depth using the Catechism, scripture and other accepted sources will include: Old and New Testaments; the Trinity; the lives of Jesus and Mary; sin and forgiveness; Baptism and Confirmation; the Eucharist; marriage, death and resurrection.
If you would like to help with this course by attending as a potential sponsor for the catechumens/ candidates and/or to assist with faith sharing or to be a prayer partner from home (especially suitable for the housebound) please contact Rose Stokes 01536 460909.

For enquiries please contact the Parish Office or Fr. Gregory directly by phone 01536 512497 or email: parish.stedwardkettering@northamptondiocese.org

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