In readings through the coming week, Jesus urges His followers to prepare for escape, in the same way the Israelites dressed at the first Passover before they left Egypt (Exodus […]
A highly educated and fluid author, St. Luke has his feast day on October 18. He also wrote the Acts of the Apostles, the history of the early Church and […]
Time for listening In the coming weeks readings, we see there are many ways we can follow the Lord; we can proclaim the Good News, pray for and serve others. […]
A vast Ottoman navy was poised to invade Europe in 1571. The Christian forces had already suffered numerous defeats as the Ottomans expanded across the Mediterranean. Putting his support behind a […]
Battle of the Angels This week on September 29 we honour the three archangels named in Scripture: Michael (in Daniel, Jude and Revelation), Gabriel (in Daniel and Luke), and Raphael […]
A tax collector who charged whatever he could to make money turned his heart and his literate abilities over to the task of evangelisation when Jesus invited him to “follow […]
Religious symbols have power. In John’s gospel, Jesus painted an interesting parallel between two striking images: the bronze serpent and the cross. Both were symbols of horrible death and evil. […]
The birth of Mary cannot be separated from the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Contemplation of one leads to contemplation of the other. The Immaculate Conception recognises that as part […]
Ancient society existed upon reputation as much as brute force. This was evident with the passion of John the Baptist whose memorial day falls on 29 August. In Mark 6, […]