Who Does What at St. Edward’s Church
Church Contact: Presbytery Office 01536 512497. email: parish.stedwardkettering@northamptondiocese.org
Church Cleaning Group
Contact: Presbytery Office 01536 512497 email: parish.stedwardkettering@northamptondiocese.org
Eucharistic Ministers List
Contact: Fr. Gregory 01536 512497 email: parish.stedwardkettering@northamptondiocese.org
Flower Group
Contact: Cath McInally 01536 483016 email: Catherinemcinally@hotmail.co.uk
St. Edward’s Flower Group began in 1993. The group enjoys a thriving social life. During the year small groups work on a rota basis. For special seasons such as Easter and Christmas all members work together. Anyone who would like to join the group would be welcome. The group is willing to do flowers for weddings. Since 1996 the group has charged for this service. The money raised goes to local charities and those in the wider community. Up to December 2006 the amount donated was £2,640 with £1,185 of this going to Cransley Hospice.
Hiring the Church Hall or Committee Rooms
Contact: The Parish Office 01536 512497 email: parish.stedwardkettering@northamptondiocese.org. The church hall and Committee Rooms attached to St. Edward’s are used for many activities both specific to the church and for the wider community. It is possible to book the church hall for one-off use. Regular bookings are available on request.
Music Group
St. Edward’s Choir
Contact: Phoebe Tipping
Playing on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 10.30am Mass. email: parish.stedwardkettering@northamptondiocese.org
Reader’s List
Contact: Fr. Gregory 01536 512497 email: parish.stedwardkettering@northamptondiocese.org
Contact: via Presbytery Office email: parish.stedwardkettering@northamptondiocese.org
Open Sunday after 10.30am Mass in the church hall or at the back of church.
Welcoming Group
Contact: Frances Bull 01536 522037
There are many organisations working across the whole of St. Edward’s Parish. For more see Parish Groups and Ministries