Over a week ago, Pope Francis announced 21 names of new Cardinals. I do not know any of them except Archbishop Gregory Ryś from Łódź in Poland. His promotion was a big surprise to many, especially because Łódź is not as significant a town and diocese as other towns and dioceses in my country, but personally I think it was a very good choice inspired by the Holy Spirit. I really liked what the new Cardinal said after his nomination about the three Popes he knew personally: St John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis. He said:
“Pope Saint John Paul II told us what we should do in the church.Pope Benedict XVI explained why we should do this.Pope Francis is telling us: Let’s not delay and start doing it now!”.
I fully agree with him. These are very important words that we should remember, especially in the times we live in, when many people compare these three pontificates, trying to show or interpret the basic views of John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis, on faith and morality as completely different or even divergent. Nothing could be further from the truth! I encourage you to read and reflect on the full texts of the teachings, homilies and public speeches of Pope Francis, as this will help us better understand that his pontificate is a continuation of the pontificates of his predecessors in the See of Saint Peter. And one more very wise phrase I heard recently: “Saint Peter who is in Pope Francis…” Is it from this perspective that we: look at, listen to, trust in, respect and love our present Holy Father?
Congratulations and best wishes to all the new Cardinals!
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