The Parish of St. Edward’s website covers the three churches of St. Edward, Kettering; St. Nicholas Owen, Burton Latimer; Holy Trinity and St. Bernadette, Desborough. In accordance with General Data Protection Regulations please read our Privacy Notice
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- Parish Office and Newsletter: Ewa. Contact: parish.stedwardkettering@northamptondiocese.org
- Child Internet Safety rules adapted from “Children, ICT & e-safety” by Kent County Council
Special thanks are offered to the clergy and people of St. Edward’s Parish for help and support in the on-going development and contributions to this website.
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Permission is granted to reproduce the contents of our archive for personal and educational use only, unless otherwise specified by individual copyright owners on the webpage itself. Commercial use of our archive materials is by negotiation only. Please contact the Webmaster with any queries.
We are attempting to contact rights holders to various materials displayed in our online parish archive. If we have inadvertently made use of materials in which you own rights, without your permission, we hope that this hasn’t caused offence. Please contact the Webmaster to discuss it.
Grateful thanks from St. Edward’s Parish to the following copyright holders for permission to include their material in our online parish archive.
- Jeremy Clifford, Editor of The Northants Evening Telegraph. Website: www.northantset.co.uk
- Fr. Paul Hardy, Editor of The Diocesan Newspaper The Vine. Website: www.northamptondiocese.org/news-and-events/about-the-vine.aspx
- Bishop Peter Doyle – articles from the Northampton Roman Catholic Diocese Archive. Website: www.northamptondiocese.org/